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for raising strong, connected teens

The resources on the site are meant for adults. However, we also included some resources that adults and youth can use together!

consent & boundaries

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Speak About It is a consent education and sexual assault prevention non-profit. They partner with high schools, colleges, and communities, and use theatre and dialogue to empower students to prevent sexual violence, build healthy relationships, and create positive change in their communities.

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Blog post, 5 minute read

This blog post is written by the mother of an 18 year old boy and includes her list of what she wants him to know about relationships and sex.

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Blog post, 5 minute read

Part of sexual violence prevention is making sure that your teen understand healthy relationships. This blog post provides helpful tips.


Blog post, 15 minute read

This blog post helps teens navigate consent. It can help parents model some ways to talk about consent and sex, and may be a helpful resource for you to read with your teen and discuss.

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Nedra Tawwab is a licensed therapist and best-selling author. She helps people create healthy relationships by teaching them how to implement boundaries. Her website includes resources to help.

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This website offers resources for healthy relationships, setting boundaries, talking about consent, and more.

Video, 3 minutes

A short film about consent featuring students and alumni of Seattle Public Schools. Produced by Harborview Abuse & Trauma Center and Seattle Public Schools, directed and edited by Azure Savage.

Healthy sexuality

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Sex Positive Families provides education and resources that help families raise sexually healthy children using a shame-free, comprehensive, and pleasure-positive approach.


Podcast creates free educational videos and resources to help families talk openly, honestly, and less awkwardly about sex, health, relationships, and  growing up. Their goal is to help you become an askable parent through short, actionable podcast episodes.

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Website & conversation guides

Without good sex education from parents and at school, porn becomes sex education. The Porn Conversation is a helpful resource for parents who want to talk with their kids about healthy sexuality and offers conversation guides to help you get started.

Website & web series

Every Body Curious is a fun and illuminating web series for young people (and their parents!) that explores the birds and the bees with ease in today’s digital landscape.



Sexual education for young adults with developmental and intellectual disabilities is extremely important. This website has a number of resources to help.

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Website & list of resources

Speak About It, a consent education and sexual assault prevention non-profit, lists great resources for healthy sexuality education.

Why do girls feel empowered to engage in sexual activity but not to enjoy it? For three years, author Peggy Orenstein interviewed girls ages 15 to 20 about their attitudes toward and experiences of sex. She discusses the pleasure that's largely missing from their sexual encounters and calls on us to close the "orgasm gap" by talking candidly with our girls from an early age about sex, bodies, pleasure and intimacy.

body image

body image & changes


List, 5 minutes

A Mighty Girl offers a list of books that can help parents of girls talk about bodies and self-esteem.

Video, 3 minutes

Messages about body image impact both girls and boys. Boys hear the message that in order to be more masculine they need to get a chiseled physique. This video includes tips on how to help your son develop a healthy body image.

Multiple videos & guides created many videos about puberty to help tweens and teens understand just what is happening with their bodies. The videos are accessible and fact-based and each is accompanied by information for youth, parents, and educators on how to talk about the topic addressed in the video.

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Website & web series

Every Body Curious is a fun and illuminating web series for young people (and their parents!) that explores the birds and the bees with ease in today’s digital landscape.

gender, sexual orientation & identity

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Gender Spectrum works to create gender-sensitive and inclusive environments for all children and teens.

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Planned Parenthood offers parents developmentally appropriate ways to talk about gender and sexual orientation and provides some context for your child’s development related to those topics.


Sexting & Photo Sharing


Article, 5 minute read

This article provides helpful information for tweens and teens about sexting. It is also helpful content for parents to read because it helps model useful information and ways to talk about sexting.

Video, 2.5 minutes’s video features a scenario of sending nude photos via text or sexting. It covers the potential consequences of sending nude photos, such as the photos being shared with others or posted on the Internet. It also covers the legal consequences of having nude photos – in some states, it is considered child pornography or sexual harassment. The video emphasizes that while feeling attracted to someone is totally normal, there are more respectful ways to show someone you like them. The additional content includes information for youth, parents, and educators.





Title IX mandates bare minimum legal standards that schools are required to meet. But a school can and should do more to prevent sexual and domestic violence, support survivors, and keep students safe. Know Your IX compiled these Policy Best Practices based on Title IX legal standards and the needs and experiences of students, activists, and survivors. Not all of these practices are required by law, but they are a great way to help you think through and assess a school’s efforts.



These resources are intended to help you determine if a specific university or college is in compliance with the Clery Act. The Clery Act is a federal law that includes a range of requirements for colleges and universities related to sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking.

Support for Survivors

This website is intended to provide violence prevention-specific resources for youth in your life. However, we would

be remiss if we didn’t include information about how to be supportive and respectful of a youth who has been

harassed, assaulted, or experienced dating violence.


Here are some resources to help if you or someone you know needs them:

Friends & Family Resources to Support Survivors 

Resources for how to engage respectfully and supportively if your loved one tells you they’ve been assaulted.


Title IX & Supportive Measures for K-12 Students

This is a helpful resource if your teen is being bullied or sexually harassed at school. It’s a frequently asked questions format and goes over a lot of information.


Title IX in High School

If a teen is sexually assaulted, abused, and/or harassed as a high school student, they have options. On this site, you can find information on high school student survivors’ legal rights, schools’ legal obligations, and resources and tools for accessing support.


Title IX Protections for LGBTQ+ Students

This resource talks about the Title IX protections for LGBTQ+ students.


Know Signs of Abuse

All adults who have or work with children should know the signs of child sexual abuse. This is a good tip sheet to learn about warning signs.


If you are the parent of the child,

you can talk to an advocate here.


FAQs About Child Sexual Abuse


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